Columbus Resources for Seniors with Dementia

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Caring for family members with dementia can be challenging, but there are many ways you can reach out for practical help and emotional support. Columbus has many resources available for seniors with dementia, here are a few our local families may find helpful:

  1. The Alzheimer’s Association of Central Ohio offers a number of support groups and educational programs in and around Columbus. Visit and enter your zip code to find support near you.
  2. The Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University is the headquarters of OMA – Opening Minds through Art. People with dementia are paired with volunteers who are trained to rely on imagination instead of memory and focus on the person’s remaining strengths. There are OMA sites all over Ohio, including several in Columbus, find a list here:
  3. Global Meals delivers flash-frozen nutritious meals with a wide variety of cuisines, including Kosher, vegetarian and vegan. Serves qualified seniors but also accepts private pay. Find out more at call 614-252-4813.
  4. The Columbus Museum of Art’s Sparking Imaginations tour is designed for people living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and their caregivers. This hour-long program provides an expressive outlet and a forum for dialogue. It is made possible through a partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association of Central Ohio and AWARE, the Alzheimer’s Women’s Association to Reach and Engage. for Sparking Imaginations to find the most current events.

Assisting Hands of Columbus is equipping its caregivers with training and resources to provide the highest quality dementia care using the Positive Approach to Care. We offer everything from respite care to 24/7 services. We work with families to provide the services they need to keep their loved one safe at home. Get in touch today.