Top 6 Things Family Caregivers Need

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As of 2023, AARP estimates there are more than 38 million family caregivers across the United States. These caregivers often provide care for family members who are over the age of 50, and they receive no compensation for their help. Being a caregiver and giving back to a family member can be rewarding, but it can also be difficult. Asking for these specific types of assistance can help others support you so you can continue in your caregiving role. 

1. Physical Support

There’s a lot of physical work that goes into caring for a senior loved one. Caregivers are often responsible for helping their loved ones run errands, cook, eat, perform personal care, and attend doctor appointments. Other family members or friends may be able to take over some of these tasks. 

Family caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities don’t have to manage everything on their own. Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted homecare services provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Assisting Hands Home Care is here to help.

2. Financial Help

Many caregivers have to take time away from their careers or cut back on work to care for family members. There aren’t many resources available to help with a family caregiver’s financial needs. Family members can help with these expenses by setting up a fund the caregiver can use for gas money, the caregiver’s own needs, and medical care that isn’t covered by their loved one’s insurance. 

3. Recognition

Caring for a loved one can be a thankless job. Seniors with dementia may get angry, and they sometimes tell their caregivers they don’t need them. Though this is an expected part of a dementia diagnosis, it can be extremely draining. Take the time to thank and recognize the hard work of a caregiver. Doing so can bolster the caregiver’s confidence and motivation when he or she needs it most. 

Caring for seniors with dementia can be challenging for family caregivers. Luckily, there is dementia care Columbus families can rely on. Professional dementia caregivers help seniors with dementia stay safe and comfortable at home by preventing wandering, providing cognitive stimulation, and assisting with household chores. 

4. Emotional Support

Family caregivers often don’t get to spend as much time with their own families and friends as they need to. They may be isolated from others and feel as if they don’t have support systems. Providing a caregiver with emotional support can give him or her the opportunity to talk and vent about frustrations without feeling judged, which can provide a boost to the caregiver’s mental and emotional health.

5. Help with Time-Consuming Tasks

For a caregiver, time is extremely precious. Communicating with insurance companies, researching resources for a loved one’s care, and working with lawyers and financial institutions to manage a loved one’s money takes a lot of time. Caregivers can use help with these tasks. Other family members could volunteer to take over calling insurance companies or find senior assistance programs that provide various resources for aging adults and their families. 

6. Time to Themselves

Most importantly, providing a caregiver with respite is a huge help. Caregivers give so much of themselves that they often don’t have enough time and energy to care for their own physical and emotional needs. Professional home care services can give a family caregiver the rest and rejuvenation he or she needs to keep going. 

Family caregivers don’t have to risk their own wellbeing to make sure their loved ones continue to receive high-quality care. Caring for a senior loved one can be rewarding, but it can also be overwhelming for family caregivers who have other responsibilities they need to focus on. For these families, the perfect solution is in-home care. Columbus families rely on our caregivers whenever they need time to rest, work, run errands, and even go on vacation. Assisting Hands Home Care will work with you to customize a care plan that’s just right for your loved one’s needs. Call one of our friendly Care Managers today at 614-678-5887 to learn more about our customized care plans.


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