How to Get the Home Ready for an In-Home Caregiver

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Having in-home caregivers helps seniors age in familiar environments, retain their independence, and get the care they need. However, the idea of welcoming a new person into the house may seem a little intimidating. Here are a few simple ways to prepare the home for a professional caregiver. 

Create a List of Important Contacts

In case of an emergency, make sure the in-home caregiver can get the help your loved one needs. Write a list that contains the names and contact details of your loved one’s family members, close friends, and doctors, and put it in an easy-to-locate place. 

If you’re the primary caregiver for a senior family member and are looking for professional in-home care, Assisting Hands Home Care should be your top choice. Our dedicated and compassionate caregivers are committed to helping older adults address their health issues and enjoy a higher quality of life in the golden years.

Identify Items that Are Off-Limits

Having a professional caregiver come into the home can make seniors worry about their belongings. You can ease these fears by helping your loved one identify precious items that he or she wouldn’t want the caregiver to interact with. Place these items in a cupboard or storage room and let the caregiver know not to touch or use them. 

Assess Your Loved One’s Needs

Before hiring a caregiver, prepare your loved one for the change. Ask if your parent is having difficulty with things like following doctor’s orders, doing household chores, or remembering where personal hygiene items are placed. Assessing your parent’s needs can help you create a home care plan with the caregiver. Check if your loved one has any specific requests the caregiver needs to honor. 

Families who find it difficult to care for their aging loved ones without assistance can benefit greatly from professional respite care. Columbus, OH, family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties can turn to Assisting Hands Home Care. Our caregivers can encourage your loved one to eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of mental and social stimulation, and focus on other lifestyle factors that promote longevity.

Senior-Proof the Home

A caregiver agency can advise you about the changes needed to make the home safer for your loved one. You may need to make some modifications, such as moving your loved one’s bedroom to the ground floor, placing anti-slip stickers on tile, or installing grab bars by the toilet. These changes can make the caregiver’s job easier and help your loved one navigate the home. 

Create a Communication Center

Good communication among the caregiver, family members, and the older adult is essential for making the transition as easy as possible. It may be useful to install a whiteboard, a bulletin board, a calendar, or a set of notepads near the front entrance of the home. Creating a communication center can help everyone coordinate care by writing requests, mentioning any changes during the caregiver’s shift, and keeping track of appointments. 

The type of home care Columbus seniors need can vary. Some need assistance a few hours a day, while others require more extensive around-the-clock assistance. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we tailor our care plans based on each senior’s individual care needs, and the plans can be adjusted at any time. We are a trusted provider of respite and 24-hour care, and we also offer specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care for seniors. To create a comprehensive in-home care plan for your parent, give us a call today. 


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