Pitaya, commonly known as dragon fruit, grows on a species of cactus that originated in Central and South America. Today, dragon fruit is also grown and harvested in Europe and the United States. Outside, it looks like a red or yellow artichoke, while inside, there’s soft seeded fruit. Pitaya contains many essential nutrients that benefit seniors. One dragon fruit contains a mere 60 calories. Following are a few reasons to encourage seniors to eat this interesting fruit.
Vitamin C
Each dragon fruit provides 20.5 milligrams, or 34 percent, of the daily recommended requirement of vitamin C. The essential water-soluble nutrient boosts the immune system and encourages faster healing and cellular repair.
Vitamin B
Pitaya contains 2.9 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B2, 2.7 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B1, and 0.8 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B3. B vitamins are important for metabolizing fats and protein. They also maintain the health of the eyes, hair, skin, and liver. Nerve cells, in particular, need B vitamins to function properly.
If your loved one needs help to plan and prepare nutritious meals, consider hiring a professional caregiver. Living independently is important for seniors who want to maintain a high quality of life. For some, this simply means receiving help with tasks that have become more challenging to manage over time. Even when families have the best intentions, they may not have the time to provide the care their elderly loved ones need and deserve. If your loved one needs help for a few hours a day or a few days a week, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a trusted provider of home care Columbus seniors can depend on.
In addition to vitamins, pitaya contains 10 percent of the daily requirement of magnesium, which plays an important role in hundreds of chemical reactions throughout the body. The mineral is essential for cells to create energy, which stabilizes cellular membranes and causes muscle relaxation.
If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragement to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of homecare. Assisting Hands Home Care provides professional in-home caregivers around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives.
Dragon fruit contains 12 percent fiber, which is essential for a healthy gastrointestinal tract. The tiny seeds contained within the pulpy flesh are edible and have a gentle laxative effect, which prevents constipation and regulates the digestive process.
Vitamin C, betalains, polyphenols, and other chemical compounds act as antioxidants, which interfere with the formation of free radicals that contribute to aging and cell deterioration. The antioxidant phytoalbumin is also known to interfere with the development of malignant cells.