How to Address an Aging Parent’s Resistance to Home Care

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Discussions about home care can sometimes feel as awkward as talks you had with your parent when you were a teen. Now that you’re an adult, your senior parent’s wellbeing has become your responsibility, but you also don’t want to step on your loved one’s toes by forcing assistance on him or her. Seniors who willingly agree to home care get the most out of it, and you can work through your parent’s resistance by using these time-tested strategies. 

Find Out About Your Parent’s Past Experiences

Your parent might have been a caregiver in the past. If so, ask about what your loved one went through when caring for his or her own parent or another loved one. You can then use what your parent says to drive your conversation about home care. For example, your loved one may say he or she felt guilty for not doing enough, and you can use this to explain how a home caregiver can alleviate your guilt about not being able to meet all your parent’s needs. If your parent feels bad about putting his or her own loved one in a nursing home in the past, you could explain how home care will help you avoid having to go down the same road. 

Many seniors prefer aging in place over moving to assisted living facilities. If your senior loved one needs assistance to remain safe and comfortable while living at home, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading at-home care Columbus agency. Our dedicated in-home caregivers can assist with meal prep, bathing and grooming, exercise, medication reminders, and many other important tasks.

Use Positive Language

Seniors have sometimes been exposed to viewpoints that cast home care in a negative light. Try switching up how you refer to home care services. For instance, a home caregiver can be called a friend or a companion. Someone who provides personal hygiene services could be referred to as your loved one’s in-home stylist. Your language can set the tone for how your loved one reacts to your suggestions about care. 

Give Your Parent a Sense of Control

Your parent may express resistance to home care because he or she feels like it’s a step toward losing independence. Your loved one has worked hard to be able to age in place, and it’s natural to feel protective of his or her position in the household. Ask your loved one about his or her preferences for care. If possible, you can try to honor each one. For example, your loved one may prefer to have a caregiver who will take him or her to favorite places in the community. Caregivers can also be selected based on their personality traits. Finding someone who fits your loved one’s lifestyle can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your parent’s satisfaction with home care.

In Columbus, homecare agencies can be a great boon to seniors. With the help of the caregivers at Assisting Hands Home Care, your aging loved one can lead a happier and healthier life. Our caregivers encourage seniors to eat nutritious foods, exercise and socialize regularly, and focus on other lifestyle factors that increase life expectancy.

Ask Your Loved One to Try One Service

A trial run is a sales tactic that works well for a variety of products and services. You can use a similar technique by asking your loved one to try at least one service for a set time. Most of the time, seniors find having help with household chores or running errands relieves their stress. Once your parent adjusts to one type of care, he or she may be more receptive to adding more services as the need arises.

Every senior has different needs when aging in place. Some simply need occasional assistance with household chores, while others may be managing serious illnesses and require more extensive in-home care. Columbus seniors can count on Assisting Hands Home Care to provide the live in care Columbus seniors need and deserve. For more information about our flexible, customizable home care plans, call one of our compassionate Care Managers today at 614-678-5887.


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